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Meet the Intern: Gael M. (Summer 2021)

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Hello, my name is Gael Martinez and I’m a 2021 intern for Javilud. I graduated from Memorial High School in 2021, and will major in Computer Science this fall at Texas A&M University-San Antonio.

Javilud has been a great experience for me overall. Working as a project assistant had me reaching out to schools and teachers in order to get high school students to become better recognized in the field of cyber security. Alongside this, I have also helped brainstorm for other upcoming projects and learn how to create, lead, and take notes for meetings. Essentially, Javilud has taught me the essentials for any job by teaching me to plan ahead, reach out to people, and to network. 

I honestly can’t say for certain where I’m going to end up having a career after college. As long as it’s in the field of tech, I’ll most definitely be content. For now though, cyber security and web development are jobs that I have an interest in. The skills I learned from working for Amanda can apply towards my future career in cybersecurity and I intend to keep learning about Python. 

Being an intern at Javilud has also taught me to always keep learning on one’s own and to remain productive, even during summer vacation. Amanda helped me discover my interest in programming by getting me to take introductory online courses in Python. I can now say with certainty that I will be looking forward to my future college courses that involve coding and scripting. 

However, the internship wasn’t an extremely easy experience. I still had to plan out my days, be responsible for myself, my workload, and my time management. My advice to future interns: Simply stay on task and manage your time wisely. It might be the most generic and barebones piece of advice I could give but, it certainly does work. This applies to anyone who is seeking to gain an internship in any field. Being organized and being able to tend to your own responsibilities properly is a skill set any employer will require.